Edens Road construction starts Monday, Aug. 24

Edens Road construction starts Monday, Aug. 24

Skagit County Public Works will be temporarily repairing Edens Road, on Guemes Island, starting Monday, August 24. Construction is expected to last until early September. Starting this week, riders will see County trucks traveling frequently on the ferry. The work will take place Monday through Friday each week.

Edens Road has been closed for approximately 8 months due to ongoing issues with water over the road. After raising the road about 10 years ago, it has become necessary to do it again. This is not an issue with the existing culverts; rather, there has been a recent inundation of beaver population and activity that has blocked the outfall of the drainage basin.


Why are you doing this project now during the busiest time of year for ferry traffic?

  • This is the driest time of year and the water level is at its lowest. This work was originally scheduled for June; however, there was still too much water on the road; therefore, crews had to postpone.

 Why do the trucks have to go back and forth? Couldn’t you stockpile materials on the island?

  • County crews have stockpiled some materials already; however, they were unable to stockpile everything they will need for the project. 

What can the County do to minimize the impact to ferry riders?

  • County crews will do their best to minimize running trucks on peak runs.
  • Runs specifically for county equipment will be scheduled for after-hours when possible.
  • We will keep you informed by updating this information as the project progresses.

We appreciate your patience as we work to maintain our beautiful island.

For more information, please contact: John Davidson, Road Operations Division Manager, by phone at (360) 770-5182 or email at johnd@co.skagit.wa.us.


County Commissioners: Lisa Janicki, Ken Dahlstedt, Ron Wesen
1800 Continental Place, Suite 100
Mount Vernon, WA 98273

Source: Skagit County Email  8.18.2020  9:21 AM